Hotel Arthur Road Jail

Times of India has been running a series of articles over a period of time to highlight the VIP treatment that is doled out to the special inmates of Arthur Road Jail. So when London Court expressed their concern over the kind of treatment Mr.Vijay Mallaya will get, the jail authority spared no time in sending an 8 min video of the facilities available. 
The entire episode is so comical that I decided to pen this poem. However thing is that these days the reality only needs telling and it sounds like sarcasm. 

London said to Delhi - you probably don't get,
8000 crore fraud deserves some respect !!!
Of imperialistic hangover you need to get rid,
Don't do to prisoners what in Andaman we did.
For extradition - proof are needed, we must say,
Not of Mallya’s crime but of his comfortable stay.

Thus CBI has shown to magistrate Arbuthnot,
Our jails are not what she really thought.
CBI said - “We are sending to London an 8 min clip,
Proving we are ready to serve and not just with lips”

The video starts with a song and some ding
Hawaldars in bikini and to Mallya they sing

Welcome to the Hotel Arthur Road
Such a lovely jail, such a lovely jail
We’ve got for you a brand new cell

Reason galore at the Hotel Arthur Road
Sunshine, courtyard and breathing air
We promise you we'll take good care

TV on the wall, pink champagne on ice,
You'll be a prisoner here but that is just a premise.

You'll get everything, even a kaamwali baai.
Just bring your own women and some alibi.

Carrer are rebuild here at Arthur Road,
In books or movies or in political corridor.

Look at Sanju, Gawali and Gregory Shantaram,
They all got a movie, moolah and a clean naam.

We'll treat you well, you just come and rest,
Cause round the corner is the electoral test.

Once the elections are over we’ll let you pass,
With respect and money and an even fatter ass.

I've been told the government is very happy
Someone even heard a bhakt shout in glee
“Mallaya has finally agreed, now you wait and see ,
We'll convince Nirav Modi and even Mehul Choksi!”


1) Cover Photo courtsey - TOI
2) See I told you


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